Recent Sessions
"Creativity is intelligence having fun"
-Albert Einstein
Newborn | Madeline & James
Katherine is a big sister! I’ve been shooting this little red-headed toddler since she was a newborn and I was so excited to meet her new brother and sister. Madeline and James came a few weeks early but are doing wonderful; both healthy and growing strong. They slept so well for their session yesterday and…
Family | The Kehrli Family
It’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen this family so I’ve been really looking forward to it. The Kehrli’s are truly the sweetest, kindest, loving family and it’s such a joy capturing them together. The children are just amazing with such sweet little souls and I loved catching up with each of them.…
Family | The Hall Family
It was a beautiful morning for Olive’s six month session! She’s quite an observer and kept her eye on me at the beginning but eventually broke out some of her super sweet smiles. I had a great time meeting this family and exploring with them.
Baby’s 1st Year | Wyatt: 3 Months
Wyatt is such a smiley little guy and sure loves his Mom & Dad. He just lit up whenever they started talking to him. It was so fun to see his big sister, Taylor again, too. She has the cutest expressions. I’m really excited they signed up for a Baby’s 1st Year package so that…